The 19 Tips Health Experts Beg You Not to Skip

1 Go ahead - drink more coffee

                                         -- THE CANCER- PREVENTION EXPERT

When was the last time you heard use the word miracle? Well, wake up and smell the coffee. "It's amazing," says liver specialist Sanjiv Chopra, MD, professor of medicine of Harvard Medical Science."Coffee is truly a life saving miracle drug."

Though he says it's a "scientific mystery" how a simple cup of coffee works its wonder in the body, large epidemiological studies repeatedly verify its astonishing benefits. Some recent research highlights:

  • More than three cups a day lowers women's risk of developing melanoma - a type of cancer on the rise among the light - skinned - by 20 percent.

  • More than six cups a day cuts men's risk of dying from prostate cancer by 60 percent.

  • Drinking at least one cup of coffee a day lowers women's risk of stroke by 25 percent.

  •  Consuming at least two cups daily reduces women's chances of becoming depressed by up to 20 percent.

"Drinking it black, or at most put a little skimmed milk in it" to minimize calories, Dr Chopra recommends. The benefits from decaf may not be prodigious, so stick with regular if you can tolerate the buzz. Dr Chopra drinks at least four cups a day himself, though most people should limit themselves to two. And no, he jokes, "I'm not sponsored by Starbucks."

2 Eat protein in the morning

                               --THE HEALTHY  EATING EXPERTS

Protein helps persuade your brain and stomach that they're well nourished and satisfied; skimp on it and your hunger might lead you right to a bag of potato chips, says holistic - medicine pioneer Mark Hyman, MD. In a recent study, volunteers who daily protein consumption fell below 15 percent of their total calories were far hungrier after breakfast and ate more snacks throughout the day than those who protein level exceeded that amount. 

The extra nibbling put them on track to gain almost a kilo a month had they kept it up. An important take- away: Don't save your protein for dinner. One trick is to eat almonds in the morning. Other prevalent ( and portable ) high - protein options: hard - boiled eggs and hung curd.

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